There is no scientific name for being scared of carrots.
There does not appear to be a scientific term to specifically describe a fear of carrots.Cibophobia is the fear of food.If your fear begins to negatively affect the quality of your life, or your happiness, then please consult a doctor to help you to address your fear.
Yes. Phobophobia is the name for the fear of fear itself.
Nomatophobia : is the fear of a name.
sugar lumps. carrots, apples apples, carrots, sugarcubes, you name it.
The collective nouns are:a sack of potatoesa bunch of carrots
Sorry. There is no name for the fear of seeds but you could name it by improving the answer.
Daucus Carota.
There is no specific name for fear of seaweed, however, phytophobia is the fear of plants which is the closest name for fear of seaweed.
There is no formal name for fear of dark bathrooms. It can be just said as the fear of dark.
angol fear