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Not sure what kinds of differences you are looking for, but they are different species. Atlantic salmon are members of the species Salmo salar. Pacific salmon in the US are made of 5 different species, all in the genus Onchorhynchus. These are the Chinook (O. tshawytscha), chum (O. keta), coho (O. kisutch), pink (O. gorbuscha), and sockeye salmon (O. nerka). Steelhead (O. mykiss) are actually not a salmon, but an ocean running type of rainbow trout. All of these are members of the family Salmonidae.

Also, most Atlantic salmon are farm raised today, whereas most Pacific salmon are wild caught.

** Also a key difference is that the Pacific salmon the "true" salmon die after spawning. The Atlantic salmon are able to spawn several times during their life.

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Q: Is there a difference between Atlantic salmon and Pacific salmon?
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What species are salmon?

Salmon is the name of several fishes of the family Salmonidae.They are found in both north atlantic and pacific oceans. the Atlantic Ocean species belong to the genes salmo the Pacific Ocean species belong to the genus oncorhynchus

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To me, I would suggest smoking salmon. I have another helpful tip: ONLY eat Pacific salmon. Atlantic salmon is bad for your health.

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Salmon is the name of several fishes of the family Salmonidae.They are found in both north atlantic and pacific oceans. the atlantic ocean species belong to the genes salmo the pacific ocean species belong to the genus oncorhynchus

Where do Atlantic salmon live?

Atlantic Salmon live in different places in the Atlantic Ocean, hence the name "Atlantic Salmon".

What bodies of water can you find salmon?

Salmon can be found in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and rivers. Salmon migrate from the oceans to rivers to spawn.

Does salmon come from Japan?

Salmon comes from the countries bordering the north Pacific and north Atlantic oceans. The salmon spornes in rivers systems but lives its adult life in these Oceans.

Which country do salmon live?

The Atlantic salmon, lives in the northern Atlantic Ocean and in rivers that flow into the north Atlantic.However now, due to human introduction, the north Pacific.

Are the Atlantic salmon endangered?

You can stop polluting the water. Also, make sure when you are buying salmon or other fish you buy from sustainable fisheries.

What is the smallest pacific salmon?

The smallest pacific salmon is the Pink salmon !

What kind of salmon is Scottish salmon?

There is Atlantic salmon is Scotland. Scottish salmon is probably farm raised Atlantic salmon.