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No, Mohammed specifically renounced his father/son relationship with Zaid in 627. He taught that children did not really belong to their adoptive parents but only to their biological families. Mohammed remained on friendly terms with Zaid until the latter's death in 629, but Zaid was never again counted as his son.

Mohammed had three biological sons (Qasim, Abdullah and Ibrahim) who all died in infancy. They were the only sons whom Mohammed acknowledged. That is why it was later said, "Mohammed is not the father of any man."

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Q: Is the zaid is also in a count of prophet mohammed son?
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The holy prophet did not have any biological sons, but it is related that Hazrat Zaid(his adopted son) was given to him as a slave... When he received him from Hazrat Khadija, instead of keeping him as a slave, he freed him and kept him as a son. When the parents of Hazrat Zaid came back to retrieve him, Hazrat Zaid replied with a firm no, that he did not want to leave the house of the Prophet. He was more happy with the Holy Prophet as a father, moreso then going back to his own parents. Hope that answers your questions... point being... He was the perfection of everything, to the point where no one else could/can reach.

Who was the first hafiz of quran?

After the Holy Prophet (SAW), it is believed that Hazrat Zaid Bin Thabit (RA) Hope this helps

Which companion of Prophet Muhammad is named in the quran?

Only Zaid Bin Harith was named in sura an Nisa in matters of divorce.

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Hazrat Zaid bin Maskan was the volunteer head of the 6 Sahibs who vowed to defend the life of the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the battle of Uhd. The six embraced martyrdom. Hazrat Zaid was brought to the Holy Prophet (SAW). He laid his life in the feet of the holy Prophet (SAW). There is a very touching verse in Persian that means: How gracefully would be the lucky person who breathed his last in the holy feet of Beloved Prophet (SAW).

How zayd ibn thabit converted to Islam?

The prophet muhammed sws explained islam to zaid ibn thabit and he became a muslim