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Q: Is the origin for pizza Hungary or Italy?
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A small alpine state bordering austria Italy and Hungary?

pizza and pasta

Country of origin for pizza rolls?

Some think it is Italy but really the Greeks had long before them :)

What religion is pizza?

pizza originally came from Italy, but the pizza we have in America was not Italy's idea.

Are their pizza vending machines in Italy?

There are pizza vending machines in italy. The pizza is premade and heated so when you buy it you have a warm pizza.

What nations were part of the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

What country made pizza?

The idea of 'pizza' has been around for ages, and the origin of who invented it is argued. It dates back to at least over 3,000 years ago when bread was invented. Many things were made into the bread, or put on it to make it more flavorful and enjoyable. There is evidence of the Greeks using bread with toppings of garlic, cheese and other herbs. As well as in the 5th century BC in Persia, where bread was topped with cheese and dates.

Was pizza really created in Italy?

Thick pizza is not a specialty from Sicily, it can be found in Northern and Central Italy too.

What foods were invented in Italy?


Why did china give pizza to Italy?

China did not give pizza to Italy pizza was slowly passed on to other countries through out time

What body of water serparates Austria-Hungary from Italy?

Austria and Hungary are not separated from Italy by water, Austria lies between Hungary and Italy and has direct borders with both.

Is pizza a France food?

The pizza is originally from Italy

What is Italy's main food?

pizza and pasta