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A dehydrated salt can be rehydrated.

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Q: Is the decomposition of a salt hydrate reversible?
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Is wet salt a hydrate?

No, it is not a hydrate.

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Is dissolving salt in water reversible or irreversible?

This is a reversible process.

What happens when a hydrate heated?

When a hydrate is heated, the water, h20 is evaporated, leaving only the anhydrous salt. If you add water to a anhydrous salt, it will transition back into a hydrate.

Is mixing salt and water a reversible or irreversible?

It is reversible. You can allow the water to evaporate, leaving the salt behind.

Is the decomposition of calcium carbonate reversible or irreversible?

The decomposition of calcium carbonate is reversible as it can be reversed by recombining calcium oxide and carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate again through a chemical process known as carbonation.

What do you call a hydrate when it has lost its water moecules?

When a hydrate loses its water molecules, it is called an anhydrate.

IS decomposition exchange reaction reversible synthesis has a chemical reaction with parts of different molecules trade position?

Yes, decomposition and exchange reactions are reversible processes where the reactants can reform into products or exchange parts with other molecules. In decomposition, a compound breaks down into simpler substances, while in exchange reactions, atoms or functional groups from different molecules trade places. These reactions can proceed in both directions depending on the conditions.

Is adding salt to water a reversible change?

Yes, adding salt to water is a reversible change because the salt can be dissolved in the water to create a saltwater solution, which can then be separated back into salt and water through processes like evaporation or distillation.

How do you change the amount of water in a hydrated salt?

To change the amount of water in a hydrated salt, you can heat it to remove water molecules (dehydration) or expose it to a humid environment to absorb more water molecules (hydration). This process can be controlled by adjusting temperature and humidity levels. It is important to follow proper procedures to avoid altering the chemical composition of the salt.

Acid base yields salt water is an example of a?

neutralization reaction.

How to write a balanced equation for the observed decomposition of copper carbonate hydroxide hydrate?

The balanced equation for the decomposition of copper carbonate hydroxide hydrate is: Cu2(OH)2CO3 (s) → CuO (s) + CO2 (g) + H2O (g). This reaction shows the breakdown of copper carbonate hydroxide hydrate into copper oxide, carbon dioxide, and water.