

Is sodium chloride expensive

Updated: 12/14/2022
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9y ago

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Sodium chloride is not expensive.

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Which term does not apply to sodium chloride?

A.molecule ... crystal no I am Sorry

Which is more expensive sodium chloride or calcium chloride?

Calcium chloride is generally more expensive than sodium chloride. This is because calcium chloride is less abundant and requires more complex extraction processes compared to sodium chloride, which is commonly found in salt deposits and seawater. Additionally, calcium chloride is often used in industrial applications that command a higher price.

Is sodium chloride more expensive in the winter?

Price differences doesn't depends on the season.

Is salt reusable?

Sodium chloride is generally not reusable. Recycling is not impossible in some cases but it is expensive.

What type of atom is in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has two atoms in the formula unit (NaCl): sodium and chlorine.

Which substance is a compound carbon chloride sodium chloride sodium?

Sodium chloride is a compound.

Is sodium chloride carcinogenic?

Sodium chloride is not a cause of cancer.

What does Sodium chloride have?

Sodium chloride is formed from sodium and chlorine.

Is sodium chloride or sodium fluoride stronger?

sodium chloride

Why is sodium chloride different from sodium chloride crystals in its electricity conductivity?

Solid sodium chloride is not an electrolyte.Sodium chloride in water solutions or molten sodium chloride are electrolytes.

What elements are in sodium chloride other than sodium and chloride?

Sodium and chlorine are the only elements in sodium chloride.

What are the element of sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride (NaCl) contain chlorine and sodium.