

Is smoke good around hermit crabs?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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9y ago

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No. Hermit crabs have modified gills, meaning that they need 70-80% humidity in order to breath. However hermit crabs cannot breath under water; they will drown.

It is important to have the humidity between 70-80% so the hermit crab can properly breath. Smoke is toxic to hermit crabs and will eventually kill them.

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Yes its very good for the hermit crabs body!

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Yes, bananas are good for them!

Can fiddler crabs live with hermit crabs?

No, Hermit Crabs and Fiddler Crabs are very different, and require two whole different living conditions. And Fiddler Crabs are very aggressive, and will probably attack the Hermit Crab anyway. So, in all, it just isn't a good idea.

What is a good age to get a hermit crab?

Well Im thirteen and i just got five hermit crabs but i think around twelve or thirteen is a good age to get a hermit crab because your responsabe and you know how to take care of them Hope it helped!

How can you be a good hermit crab owner?

I LOVE that question! hermit crabs have been abused for years! hermit crabs are tropical animals. thay need 1 gallon of space per hermit crab, they also need love and attention they have personalities too.

How many years can a hermit crab live for alone in captivity?

By itself maybe 1 year. But with friends they can live up to 15 years but there was one woman who raised her hermit crabs for over 30 years

Can hermit crabs eat chips?

They can but I wouldn't recommend feeding that to them it is not very good for them.

How does an antenna help a hermit crab survive?

Yes, hermit crabs have two pairs of antennae one for tasting and the other for smelling since hermit crabs don't have noses. The hermit crabs uses the long set of antennae for finding food, and the small short pair for tasting and eating.

Is it not good for hermit crabs pinchers to be purple?

No, it's fine. You just must have purple pincher hermit crabs (also called Caribbean crabs). I have 3 hermit crabs, all purple pinchers. Their claws are red with purple in the center and their legs have a purple-ish & red-ish hue. No worries, that's just the type of crabs they are. Purple pincher crabs are the most common to buy in pets stores.

What is a hermit crabs cost?

Hermit crabs very on prices depending on where in they are sold. Some larger ones go for $20 in one area while large hermit crabs in other areas are $5. It matters all on how many you're getting and the size of them the cage and the equipment cost around 30-40 dollars.If you go to petsmart the small hermit crabs are 3.99 and the medium ones are 5.00 and the large depend on how large.I'm getting all my friends and raising oney so we can get 2 medium sized hermit crabs and that will cost 12.00.The equipment will cost around 30 or 40 dollars.I'm paying for the hermit crabs so we only have to raise 40 dollars!(40 just to be safe)Some good ideas to get the money are Lemonade stands,Yard sales Yard work car wash dog walking and basic chores for others.

What are facts on crabs?

1. Hermit crabs are able to go outside if the temperature is between 70*F and 90*F. 2. Hermit crabs like heat and humidity. 3. If you get more than 1 hermit crab then their shells need to all be the same sizes because if 1 hermit crab has a bigger shell than that crab will kill the smaller ones. 4. You need to keep a good eye on the crabs because if you let the crabs roam around on your floor while not looking they might get away and that would be a super bad problem. 5. And make sure that they have food and water in their cages every day. 6. Never put them in a bowl full of lots of water because then they will drown and do not ever put hermit crabs in chlorine. 7. And pay lots of attention to your hermit crabs.Love on them and make them feel good.

Can hermit crabs see good?

yes ,infact very good ,well at least i no mine can see good