Shrimp will eat dead fish for certain. As for live fish, if the shrimp is large enough and the fish is small enough, then shrimp will eat live fish too.
No not all fish eat shrimp. Shrimp is not available for consumption for all fish. Now a slightly different question would be, "Will all fish eat shrimp?" If it is cut up into small enough pieces there would be no reason why a fish would not eat shrimp.
They aren't fish. They are brine shrimp. (shrimp = invertebrates)
the alive and the slow moving shrimp
the alive and the slow moving shrimp
"cleaner" shrimp..... Seriously!
goldfish,and sunfish are two of the species that don't eat shrimp.
pork, yes, I wouldn't recommend shrimp
small fish and shrimp
Seahorses like to eat small fish, small shrimp, plankton and other small creatures. small fish, small shrimp, and plankton. mall fish, small shrimp, and plankton.
fish, squid, shrimp ,chopped fish