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I think you can use spring roll sheets. actually I did not use it by myself but my aunty made it with spring roll sheets. and it was very nice. try it and post how you did it.

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Q: Is phyllo dough the same as springroll pastry is springroll fine for BAKLAVA SWEets?
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Related questions

What is phyllo dough?

A very thin pastry dough. It tears easily. It used in pies.

Is baklava kosher for Passover?

Baklava, which is made with phyllo dough, is chametz.

What are the layers of baklava called?

I'm not sure about the different layers having different names, but the pastry dough that is used in making baklava is phyllo. This dough is very, very thin which gives it the nice, flaky end result.

What is a baklava?

Phyllo dough is used for baklava. It's yeast free bread dough that's worked very thin. Traditionally phyllo was worked hand worked but today there are machines that take out all the hand labor. Phyllo thicknesses range between #4 (thinnest) and #10 (thickest). Might want to look at the kontos company for the best phyllo If you want to see some neat pics of phllyo made by hand go to I ordered baklava from there too....very tasty. Hope this info was helpful.

What language is baklava?

Baklava is a traditional sweet pastry that is widely known and enjoyed in various Middle Eastern and Mediterranean countries. The word "baklava" itself is of Turkish origin, and the dessert is made by layering phyllo pastry with a sweet filling of nuts and honey or syrup.

What are four types of pastry?

Phyllo pastry,Suet pastry,Puff pastry,Choux pastry

Choux and Phyllo are types of what?

They are both types of pastry.

What are 3 desserts which can be made using phyllo dough?

Apple Phyllo Strudel, Chocolate Baklava, and Chocolate Peanut Butter Heaven are three recipes which include the ingredient.

What foods are made with filo pastry?

Filo pastry is that paper thin, melt in your mouth stuff that can be made into Baklava, Spanokopitta, and many other Greek, Middle-Eastern, or Turkish delights. It is always layered in multiples with melted butter or olive oil in between each layer.

What are three common forms of pastry?

1. shortcrust pastry 2.flaky pastry 3.puff pastry 4.choux pastry

Is Crunchy Phyllo Rolls in Chinese cuisine?

I do not believe so, at least not in true Chinese Cuisine. Phyllo is a puff pastry dough, which is French, not Chinese.

What kind of pastry is used to make Balaclava?

Phyllo is the pastry used in baclava (If that is what you were asking, I'm thinking you misspelled it)