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"If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, avoideating papaya or using a papaya product. Papaya is sometimes recommended for soothing indigestion, which is a common ailment during pregnancy. Although a fully ripe papaya is not considered dangerous, a papaya that is at all unripe contains a latex substance that triggers uterine contractions and may cause amiscarriage. 1 The papaya enzyme that helps soothe indigestion is called papain, or vegetable pepsin. Papain is found in the fruit's latex and leaves. 1 Researchers have noted that unripe papaya latex acts like prostaglandin and oxytocin, which the body makes to start labor. 2 Synthetic prostaglandin and oxytocin are commonly used to start or strengthen labor contractions." -from Yahoo Health

In short, if it's ripe it might be ok, but better not to risk it.

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17y ago
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13y ago

"If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, avoideating papaya or using a papaya product. Papaya is sometimes recommended for soothing indigestion, which is a common ailment during pregnancy. Although a fully ripe papaya is not considered dangerous, a papaya that is at all unripe contains a latex substance that triggers uterine contractions and may cause amiscarriage. 1

The papaya enzyme that helps soothe indigestion is called papain, or vegetable pepsin. Papain is found in the fruit's latex and leaves. 1 Researchers have noted that unripe papaya latex acts like prostaglandin and oxytocin, which the body makes to start labor. 2 Synthetic prostaglandin and oxytocin are commonly used to start or strengthen labor contractions."

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11y ago

Large amounts of unripe papaya can cause miscarriage but eating a normal amount of ripe papaya, there are no risks. If you however think papaya can be used for abortion it is both unsure and unsafe.

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11y ago

Pregnant women should not eat the papaya. It may cause abortion.

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15y ago

According to my ancestors mangos are poisonus and can cause complications during child birth. It will lead to a underweight and serious mutations.

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14y ago

You can eat a papaya when pregnant but it's not good in large amounts.

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11y ago

It is most probably risky to eat papaya during pregnancy. This fruit is associated with increased incidences of abortions on numerous occasions.

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10y ago

Papaya is not safe during pregnancy. The women, who come with abortion frequently give history of eating papaya. That is more than a coincidence, most probably.

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