

Best Answer

Yes. Many supermarkets and strip malls use rosemarry as a decorative plant becasue it is easy to maintain and gives a nice floral smell. Often you can find this plant growing outside supermarkets. Just pluck some sprigs and take them home. Make sure to thuroughly wash the sprigs before using.

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Q: Is landscape rosemary edible and is it the same plant as the culinary rosemary?
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What type of plant is the rosemary?

Rosmarinus officinalis or the common Rosemary is an herbaceous shrub. It is used as an ornamental plant as well as a culinary herb.

What is the difference between fresh rosemary and a rosemary pea plant?

Fresh rosemary is the herb derived from the rosemary plant, while the rosemary pea plant is a perennial vine that produces small edible pods resembling peas. The rosemary pea plant is more ornamental in nature and used for decorative purposes, while fresh rosemary is commonly used in cooking for its aromatic flavor.

What do you call a plant you can use to cook with?

In the case of herbs, they are often referred to as culinary herbs. In the case of plants for food, you hear edible; crops; comestible.

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A feathery leaved plant beginning with Y is Yarrow (Achillea millefolium).

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Rosemary is a herb with both culinary and medical uses. The name is not connected to either the rose plant or the girl's name Mary, but derives from its botanical name rosmarinus (literally 'dew of the sea'). who ever wrote this is a NERD im sorry i only speak englsh

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The edible part of cabbage is the condensed flower, also known as the inflorescence. It is the cluster of flowers that forms the head of the cabbage plant and is harvested and consumed in various culinary dishes.

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No, sweet neem is not a weed. The type of vegetation in question references a plant that is not where the gardener wants it to be or whose benefits are denigrated, forgotten, or unknown. The plant in question (Murraya koenigii) provides landscape interest through its attractively diminutive, pest-free shrub silhouettes and culinary and medicinal values through alkaloids which may treat human hepatocellular carcinoma, berries which are edible, and leaves which serve as seasoning.

How do fruits and vegetables differ?

There are a couple of different definitions of fruit: one is botanical, the other is culinary. Culinary fruits are sweet, edible portions of plants. Botanical fruits are parts of flowering plants that derive from specific tissues of the flower. They may or may not be sweet (zucchini, for example, are botanically fruits); they may not even be edible (osage orange). Vegetable is not a botanical term, and is used generally to mean any edible portion of a plant that isn't sweet.

Are roses easy to grow?

Rosemary is one of those wonderful herbs that makes a beautiful ornamental plant as well as a welcome culinary seasoning. However, you don't need perfect sunshine, sea mist or even a never-ending summer to successfully grow rosemary. In fact, more rosemary plants suffer from too much attention than from too little.

Is rosemary a plant?

Yes. It is a flowering plant.

What makes a plant edible and inedible?


What is an example of a non green plant used for food?

Mushrooms are an example of a non-green plant that is used for food. Although mushrooms are fungi and not plants, they are often included in the category of edible plants because they are used in culinary dishes.