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Nope :] To me it tates exactly like 2% milk!

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Q: Is lactose milk nasty
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What type of sugar is found in milk?


Does flour have lactose?

No; lactose is in milk and milk products.

Can milk be non-lactose?

Milk naturally contains the sugar lactose. Lactose-free milk is made by 'pre-digesting' the lactose in the milk. This is done by adding the enzyme lactase to the milk. The enzyme breaks down the lactose and people who can't digest lactose properly (lactose intolerance) can drink the milk without side-effects.

What is the natural sugar found in milk?

the name for milk sugar is lactose. The ose ending indicates that it is a sugar, like fructose (fruit sugar) or glucose (blood sugar).

What is lactose milk?

It is normal animal milk. Milk is usually 2% lactose.

What is the scientific name of milk sugar?

The scientific name of milk sugar is lactose.

What monosaccharides are in milk?


What is a source of lactose?

Lactose is also called "milk sugar" because it comes from milk. Think LACTose, like in lactate, lactation, etc.

What happens when milk is treated with lactase?

Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk. This allows lactose intolerant individuals to drink the lactose free (or reduced lactose) milk.

Are prunes lactose-free?

Yes, prunes contain no lactose. Lactose is only found in milk and milk products.

Does non fat milk have lactox in it?

Nonfat milk contains lactose. Lactose is the naturally occurring sugar in milk. The only milk that does not contain lactose is labeled 'lactose free' and is available in full fat, reduced fat, and nonfat.

The major carbohydrate found in milk is?

The major carbohydrate found in milk is lactose. Most mammals have lactose in their milk and lactose is only found in the mammary glands.