Okra that has black spots should not be eaten. Okra pods will be green and firm when they are fresh.
Of course it is safe to eat turkey burgers however if you have allergy from turkey meat or the turkey meat is expired and out of date it is not safe. It is safe while you have a healthy turkey and you do not have allergy.
Not sure - i haven't got any turkeys. Check it out, click on the animal as if you were going to collect its something (what ever you get from turkeys).
It's called Black Spot Disease (Neascus). The fish are still safe to eat as long as they are cooked well.
Turkey is a safe place for Americans, and well worth the trip.
You should not take any medications or dietary supplements that have expired.
Simply by safe spotting it, most Black Dragon Areas exept Lava Maze have safe spots, you will need to find out where they are, you may be able to Google it, then just simply Range them, not mage them from a distance for easy kills.
No. It is not safe to eat turkey left out overnight in any container.
The black spots on a potato is the place where it is a little soft and a bit rough. That is the sweetest part of the potato. It means that your able to cokk it. If there aren't any black spots than it is a potato that is not ripe.
safe comes first safe on first
In game 3, the safe spots are in the pit.
As long as turkey is refrigerated it will be safe