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After my hernia surgery I had no problem eating, the only thing is, many times the anesthesia won't allow you to hold down food for a day or two.

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Q: Is it possible to eat foods such as scrambled eggs after one of repairing a right hernia?
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What happens if I have hiatal hernia?

If you have a hiatal hernia, there are only certain things you can do. Make sure you take antacids after meals, do not lay down after meals, stay away from fatty foods and spicy foods. Eat slowly and chew well.

What foods are beneficial if you have an hiatal hernia and what should you avoid?

unhealthy food is bad for health

What does a hiatus hernia do to your body?

You will have several symptoms if you have a hiatus hernia. You can feel bloated, food feels stuck, vomiting, nausea, sweating and heartburn. You can try antacids, and stay away from fatty and spicy foods.

Name two ways in which foods are used by the body?

Two ways foods are used by the body are for growing and repairing tissues (they supply the materials to do it.) Another thing is they provide the body with energy.

Would it be possible to survive on these foods alone?

What foods?? Your question indicates a list of foods, when in fact you have listed none.

Is there a way to take salt out of food you are preparing?

Maintain these foods in water (if it is possible) for a sufficient time; wash these foods with water (if it is possible) for a sufficient time.

Can someone give out a list of foods that have eggs in them?

scrambled eggs fried eggs deviled eggs omelets cookie dough pancake batter waffle batter cake brownies etc

What statement describes the composition of most foods?

Most foods are composed of a combination of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Each of these components plays a role in providing energy, building and repairing tissues, and maintaining overall health and wellness.

What are some breakfast foods starting with the letter S?

Strawberries, strawberry Pop-Tart, sausage, sunny side up eggs, scrambled eggs, Shredded Wheat cereal, Sugar Smacks cereal, sweet roll and sesame bagels are breakfast foods that start with S.

What are some possible benefits of eating genetically engineered foods?

No benefits of eating GMO foods are known.

How do you cook 5 minute rice?

Cook something easy and quick to prepare such as a Grilled Cheese Sandwich and canned soup. Other foods that are quick to cook are scrambled eggs, canned and instant foods.

What foods provide protein?

All unrefined foods have varying amounts of protein with varying amino acid profiles, including leafy green vegetables, tubers, grains, legumes, and nuts. All the essential and nonessential amino acids are present in any single one of these foods in amounts that meet or exceed your needs. Foods like * meats * dairy products * egg (scrambled, fried, poached) foods with high quantities of protein tend to have less amounts of carbohydrate's.