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A betta can swim wherever he wants and stay there.

Do you mean he can't stay off the bottom? Does he keep sinking? Mine are doing this. It's a symptom of a handful of betta diseases

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Q: Is it posable for a betta to swim to the bottom of a tank and stay there?
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Related questions

Could an Betta fish live without fins?

No. all fish need fins to swim. Or they would just stay at the bottom of the tank and die.

What happens when your betta fish does not swim and it just lays at the bottom?

It's probably sleeping and if it still doesn't move it is dead!!:(

Can betta fish go to the bottom of a tank?

Bettas can swim anywhere in a tank but they tend to hang towards the top third most of the time.

What if the betta fish is not floating to the top and is sinking to the bottom?

Fish do not normally "float around" they swim. If your fish is floating/sinking then it is probably dead.

IF you swim to the bottom of a pool and place a cork on the bottom will the cork stay in place?

No it wil float to the top of the water.

Why does your betta fish falls sideways?

If your betta is swimming sideways the cause is probably intestinal gas/constipation or swim bladder disorder. Both can be caused by overfeeding or not giving your betta a varied diet. Try feeding your betta green peas which have been removed from the shell and broken up. This acts as a laxative and will help relieve your fish of constipation. If your betta is not eating, you can try fasting it for a day or two. Sometimes a couple of days of not feeding the fish will help the problem pass. Once you have fasted the betta, try feeding it a pea again.

I have my betta fish for 4 months I notice he does not swim just stays in the bottom?

What's the general environment? If you don't have some source of oxygen the betta fish will try to conserve oxygen and not move around. I suggest putting in elodea.

How can you tell if your betta is sick?

If your betta has been doing anything lately such as spending long periods of time at the bottom of the tank, if your betta has a sudden gain in weight or loss in wieght, Also if their fins aren't moving (except when they are sleeping), and also if they swim at the top of the tank for about 3 to 4 hours

Is there a cure for swim bladder disorder in betta fish?

Feed Betta little peice of a boiled Pea.

Do betta fish school?

No, betta fish are best as solitary fish, and unless they are going to mate, they do not swim together

What does it mean when a betta fish lays down at the bottom of the fish bowl on its side?

A betta fish laying on its side at the bottom of the fishbowl could indicate illness or stress. It may be suffering from a swim bladder issue, which affects its buoyancy. Immediate attention from a vet or a specialist in fish care is recommended to diagnose and treat the problem.

How do you get your betta to like you?

Feed him/her. With my male betta whenever he sees me coming into my room, he'll swim excididly so I feed him