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Q: Is it okay to eat peanut butter when healing from bowel blockage?
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Does peanut butter hurt your stomach if you have crones?

Crohn's is an inflammatory bowel disease. The exact cause is unknown although there are many theories. It usually affects the small bowel, but can involve any of the alimentary tract and other organs too. Some people are made worse by certain types of food, but peanut butter is not specifically considered a problem. Some Crohn's suffere's may choose to avoid it if they find it aggravating.

What do you listen for after abdominal surgery?

Bowel sounds to make sure there is not a blockage.

I love peanut butter and jam but I am trying to eat healthier is peanut butter and jam still OK to eat?

Peanut Butter is high in fats. Jelly is high in sugar. The best thing to do is use as little peanut butter as you can and still get the flavor. Try using whole fruit spreads rather than jelly, it will have only natural sugar levels. I would suggest organic peanut butter; it is healthier. And also don't worry about eating pb&j because it has a lot of the protein that you need. I suggest going vegan/vegetarian because then you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want, and eat as much of it as you want and your weight will only fluctuate about 1-3 pounds (referring to bowel movements here) Sources from: future nutritionist

What is stoppage of bowel?

A blockage that prevents food passing though the (lower) digestive system.

What is paralytic ileus?

In paralytic ileus, the bowel stops moving contents along, and a blockage occurs.

What brakes down food into chyme's in the stomach?

Nuts Peanuts and almonds are great natural foods to make you poop. If you enjoy chunky peanut butter and are the sort of person who tends to pause and admire his bowel movements, you already know this. Not only a great source of protein, nuts are mostly indigestible which means they carve their way through your intestinal blockage and help push out all that junk food that is backing you up.

What causes bowell blockage?

Various things can cause a blockage of the bowel. You could have stricture formation, which is a scar tissue band that grows around the path of the organ - restricting the flow of material. Hernias are a common cause of bowel blockage as a part of the intestine protrudes beyond the abdominal wall, pinching the intestine shut. Tumors and other masses also cause bowel obstructions. There could also be intestine twisting, which is a phenomenon with many causes but the obstruction is caused by the intestine being improperly twisted shut. I'm sure there are a lot more reasons for bowel obstruction that I cannot think of right now.

What is the medical term meaning obstruction or blockage?

ileus"Colonic inertia" is a condition known to be one of the most common factors which cause constipation.Intestinal obstruction (or bowel obstruction) is a mechanical or functional obstruction (or blockage) of the intestines caused by many different factors or conditions.

Why codeine phosphate is avoided in Crohn's disease?

Codeine often works to backup the bowel and cause blockage. With a full blown attack the bowel is often narrowed to the point where little can get through the restriction except liquids, blocking this completely is serious and will cause the patient to require a hospital stay not to mention the pain and nausea involved with a complete blockage.

Your cat has not made a bowel in 3 days?

Take your cat to a veterinarian and he will examine your cat to see what the reason is. Possibly could have a hair ball blockage.

Does peanut butter contain cholesterol?

The natural fat in peanut butter comes from healthy oils. Some commercial brands add in sugars and trans fats, though, which are bad for one's health. So it is important to always read the label.

What is an intestinal obstruction?

An intestinal obstruction occurs when there is a blockage in the intestine that prevents the normal flow of food, fluid, and gas. This can be caused by factors such as adhesions, hernias, tumors, or inflammation. Symptoms may include severe abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, and constipation.