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Yes. This keeps them very warm when they sleep. It's like sleeping with a blanket on top of you. It's very mundane. Never use straw, as it will irritate the hamster's eyes.

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13y ago
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12y ago

no he just wants to cuddle with his buddy!!!!!!

Hurmm, In some cases yess. But Hamsters are nocturnal and will usually . . . normally come out at night to search for food and drink. If i was u id see a vett. :)

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14y ago

yes and yes because its preparing the food just like squirrels

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14y ago

Hamsters sleep in burrows in the bedding that they have in their cage. They make these burrows themselves. Burrowing up makes them feel more secure and comfortable with their surroundings.

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12y ago

Yes, most hamsters sleep in nests that they build at the bottom of the cage.

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What do hamsters sleep with?

Dwarf hamsters - each other and on suitable hamster bedding. Syrian - on their own and on suitable hamster bedding.

Why not use pebbles as hamster beddings?

Hamsters use bedding to sleep in. They make piles of it and dig in to sleep. Would they want to sleep in a mound of pebbles? No, pebbles won't work as bedding!

What should a hamsters habitat have in them?

My hamster had a wheel, a plastic toy igloo (really anything to cover them went they sleep), a food boll, lots of bedding if they burrow when they sleep, and a water bottle thingy. Hamsters can occupie themselves pretty well but most of these things are esential.

Why do hamsters stuff their mouths?

Hamsters stuff there mouths to store food (but they do not eat the food) but they save it for later or they move it to a different place. If your talking about stuffing it's bedding (hay, fluff or shredded paper) they normally do it to cover them self to go to sleep because they can't just pick up the bedding and cover themselves, they have to get comfortable then place the fluff on top of them.

Were do hamsters sleep?

Well you can buy a little house for him and stuff it with bedding that you can buy at petsathome or any pet shop you know

Your dwarf hamster has put all the bedding in his cage to a corner what is he doing?

He is making a nest for himself to sleep in. All hamsters do that. I have had two of them.

Why are hamsters noctunal?

Yeah, hamsters come out mostly at night and sleep during the day.

Does a golden hamster build a nest?

Yes, all hamsters make nests to sleep in. Whether in a provided little house or with moved bedding into their preferred place.

Is it normal if hamsters are sleepy?

yes it is perfectly normal during the day and at night they should be more active remember hamsters are nocturnal which means they sleep during the day and are active during the night

I got my hamster yesterday and he was sleeping a lot will she die?

NO! Hamsters are nocturnal silly. That means they sleep alot in the day and wake up at night. Some hamsters just sleep alot. Its completely normal.

What do hamsters do in their spare time?

hamster's are very simple animals they mostly sleep, run on there weel,borrow in there bedding,and run through tunnles they also like to chew

When does hamsters sleep?

When do hamsters sleep? And 4 how long?!? What do they all day long?!? Do they ever sleep 4 a whole day?