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There are several reasons a hermit crab might lose its claw.

Keep in mind, only a stressed hermit crab will drop a limb.

If your hermit crab has dropped a claw or another limb, you need to look at what may have stressed him enough to lose a leg or claw.

Was he recently purchased and is new to your home? If a hermit crab is not given time to de-stress after you bring him home, he may start dropping limbs. Once you have him in his crabitat he should be left alone and not handled for at least two weeks so he can get used to the vibrations in your home and his new surroundings.

Is the temperature in the crabitat in normal ranges for hermit crabs, ideally a range at one end near 73*F and the other end near 80*F? They need different temperature ranges so they can moderate their body temperature, being cold blooded animals.

Is the humidity at an acceptable level in the tank? Ideally it should be between 70 and 80% relative humidity.

Has the crab undergone a lot of handling or harrassment lately?

Had the crab been involved in a "shell fight" with another crab? Often a crab would rather die than give up his shell, and might lose a limb in a fight to keep his shell. In this case, always make sure there are at minimum three shells per crab near their size and with the shape hole they prefer depending on their species. But even in this case, there still might be a shell fight. If one crab continues to harass another for whatever reason, he should be moved to an isolation tank to "chill out" for a few days. Sometimes a crab in pre-molt will exhibit more aggression than normal.

If you can determine why your crab dropped a limb and can correct the situation, he will regrow the limb again in a molt or two.

For more information, read the care sheets at, or join the forum and use the search feature. The forum has very experienced crabbers who can give you very solid advice, with updated information. Please, never depend on the information pet stores give you. They only expect hermit crabs to live a year or less, but when cared for properly, they can live for decades in captivity.

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If your legs and arms fell off, would you be moving around? Dead crabs don't move.

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How do you entertain your hermit crab?

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How do you bond with your hermit crab?

You give it all it needs ( research how to take care of a hermit crab). And have alots of space, change food, find out it's favorite food ( it will eat more of it than other foods). Also you should let it climb on your hand (hand outstreched and as flat as possible). But don't keep them out too long. If a hermit crab pinches your skin, DON'T slam it to the ground ( it's a reaction0. You need to put it over it's tank so it "smells" it's home. If that doesnt work run it LIGHTLY over tap water. A hermit crabs big claw can snap a pencil in two. A hermit crab will pinch you if it feels like it's going to fall.

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because just like humans they fall and get right back up

What happens when you hold a hermit crab in the air to long?

the hermit crab would start to fall out of its shell an you will see his legs coming out and will pop out if i was you dont try it Well it wont die, it should just walk around.

When do you know when you hermit crab is going to die?

You will know when your hermit crab is about to die because it will not move in the shell. When it is not moving it starts to fall out of its shell. Like my hermit crabs 2 of them died and now I only have 1. The first and second one did the same thing of course but they both fell out. You also know when a hermit crab dies, when they a pale or there skin is different. They will not hide into there shell at all. Hopefully your hermit crabs are in good health like mine were!!!

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How do you entertain your pet hermit crab?

Well, if crabs have big enough tanks they are fine for a while but if not you can let them crawl on clean, safe, low surfaces and some even clamp to the tips of your fingure! Anything safe will do, they're shells arren't the strongest so be sure that it's safe. Let them crawl on your hands and what not. I own 5 hermit's of my own X) Good luck!

Do crabs shells fall of?

No hermit crabs inspect a new shell inside of their cage the they pull them self out of the shell and then drop them self into a new shell. there are videos on of crabs changing shells. so provide your crab with extra shells. i am a hermit crab owner i have watched my crabs change shells it is called molting.

Dose a hermit crab fall completely out of its shell?

Hermit crabs can. It happens when the hermit crab is changing its shell and falls over or when the hermit crab is dead it slides out or falls out of its shell! Sadly they can't always get back in there shells and die.

Is a painted shell or a natural shell better for a hermit crab?

A natural shell!!!! Painted shells-- *will chip and eventually look terrible. *can cause the hermit crab to get sick or even die- the paint has chemicals in it, and when it chips, the paint can fall into their food or water, and the crab will eat it- not a good idea! *are much less expensive than regular shells *provide a bad home to the crab Please-- Get a natural shell. Your crab (and your wallet!) will thank you.