Plain flour has a lower gluten content than high grade or bread flour so is less suitable for bread. Some bread flours may also have additives to improve the bread texture or to quicken the bread making process.
Flour helps in adding texture to the bread and sometimes helps in rising. The best flour to use for bread making is Strong White Bread Flour which can be found in grocery stores like ASDA!
which is the best flour to make bread out of strong plain flour self rasing flour or plain flour
"Strong flour" is the British term for high gluten flour made from "duram" wheat, literally, "strong" wheat. In the U.S., this is known as bread flour. It is used for baking yeast breads, where a chewy texture is desirable. Bread flour has a higher percentage of protein, which forms the elastic, chewy, texture of gluten.
00 grade flour is a high quality flour which has a higher gluten content than standard plain flour, making the mixture stronger without being heavier, so it is ideal for pasta, bread and pastries.
Yes, the results may be slightly different, but the bread will be good.
Plain flour is most likely all purpose flour. It will work just fine for bread, but bread flour is specifically blended for bread making. It has more gluten which is what forms the bubbles in bread and helps it rise better. Plain flour is milled, blended and produced slightly differently than that for bread flour. Bread flour is much more of a stronger flour, whilst plain white flour is not. Both flours (whilst bread flour being the best to use for bread), need raising agents, since the flours are heavy. The most commonly used agent is yeast, in small amounts depending on size of loaf. Better results are achieved with using bread flour. So if you want to make bread then best use bread flour for better results and much tastier well balanced bread.
In most cases plain flour is identical to all-purpose flour. All-purpose flour may be used to bake bread or pastries, whereas pastry flour has a low percentage of gluten and bread flour has a high percentage of gluten. Plain, or all-purpose flour has a medium percentage of gluten.
Standard-grade flour makes weaker dough and suitable for cakes and biscuits (contains approx. 10% protein); high-grade flour makes stronger dough and suitable for bread and general baking (contains approx 11% protein).
Flour is the ground product of a starchy seed or plant root. Most commonly it is ground grain, but it can be made from starchy root vegetables. Also used for cooking and used in all breads.
Well, Indians used to grind up acorns into acorn flour for bread. Nowadays, if we eat acorn flour, a plain acorn, or acorn bread, we are likely to get sick ^_^
All-purpose flour is the same thing as plain flour. The terms are simply different for different parts of the world. In Australia and the United Kingdom, it is known as plain flour while in the United States and Canada it is known as All-Purpose Flour. This type of flour has a lower amount of gluten protein than bread flour, but more than baking flour so it is balanced and can be used for a wide range of purposes.