she should not have almonds, chicken, pineapple all such hot things should not be taken.
Its taken by chicken lots of chicken xd
When the soda can is placed in the refrigerator, it absorbs the cold temperature of the surrounding air and cools down. This causes the can to feel cold to the touch when you take it out of the refrigerator.
what happens is that all the heat is taken out of the refrigerator, leaving it cool on the inside and warm on the outside.
green chicken is caused by either in the refrigerator too long or in the freezer and has been taken to heat up/cook then stuck back in the freezer if you eat it that will cause serious illness so throw it out right away
green chicken is caused by either in the refrigerator too long or in the freezer and has been taken to heat up/cook then stuck back in the freezer if you eat it that will cause serious illness so throw it out right away
They shoot you!
All explosives are potentially dangerous if the correct precautions are not taken.
Taken Chicken
chicken is the meat taken from a chicken chicken soup is chicken put into a soup
Both games are dangerous if saftey precautions are not taken.