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well... let's just say it is not really polite!

unless you are a youngster hanging around other youngsters - in that case it's fine.

but if you are talking to people older than you, then i'd suggest you do not chew gum (too loudly)... :)

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Q: Is it considered tacky to chew gum in public in France?
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What about chewing gum in public?

If you chew it loud and get spit all over the place, that is rude and bad manners. If you chew it quiet and not often, that is nice and good manners.

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Chickens do not have hooves at all and do not chew their cud. They are however considered to be Kosher animals according to Jewish tradition.

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You can chew gum in Germany, but its best not to, because it may be considered rude. So, no, if you dont want to run the risk of insulting anyone.

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Chew-Chew Baby was created on 1945-02-05.

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JudaismThe Torah specifies that only animals that are cloven-footed (split hooves) and chew their cud are fit for eating. Pigs are cloven-footed, but don't chew their cud, so pork is not considered kosher.

Can other people hear you chew?

Yes, other people can usually hear you chew if you are chewing loudly or with your mouth open. It's considered polite to chew with your mouth closed to avoid making noise that can disrupt or bother those around you.

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A train made from gum is a Chew Chew train get it a CHEW CHEW train.

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with their mouths. chew chew chew swallow.

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Chew-Chew Baby - 1945 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved