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It's better to take the pill ONLY AS DIRECTED. The reason manufacturers and pharmacists give you instructions is to tell you the BEST way to take a pill. The way you take it affects how well it works. Some pills need to disolve in your small intestine, some in your stomach to work best. Snorting anything is irritating to the lining of your nose. I've seen people with the inside of their noses eaten away from snorting then get upset when the doctor can't fix it.


oc's(oxycontin),dimerol,diladid all snortable anything else swallow.

This is all true, but to each his own, and the question was never actually answered. They say it's better to "parachute", the method you're talking about as opposed to snorting because by parachuting, it hits you almost as quickly as snorting does, and you feel the effects longer than you would snorting. Snorting feels good for about 30 minutes, then you're anxious for more. It's better to just avoid the rush so you never know how it feels like and enjoy the nice smooth ride of Oxycontin :) ...wish I practiced what I preached, lol. But I made the mistake of snorting and now I cant go back because I feel like I'm actually addicted to the preparation of getting the pills ready to snort as well as the whole snorting process. Not good! To make a long story short-- Just parachute it ;)
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Q: Is it better to crush up a pill and put the powdered dust in a tiny strip of Kleenex then wrap it into a ball and quickly put it in your mouth and drink water or is it better to simply snort it?
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