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Q: Is it bad to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then eat fish?
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What kind of fish goes great with peanut butter?


How do you eat a pretzel?

with peanut butter and jelly, butter and jelly, tuna fish, crushed up and eggs added and fried.

What food group is a peanut butter sandwich in?

A peanut is a nut in the protein food group, along with other nuts, meat, fish, poultry, eggs and beans.

Can fish eat peanut butter sandwiches?

No people can not catch fish in pesnut butter

Why does Lilo refuse to feed Pudge a tuna sandwich instead of his usual peanut butter in Lilo and Stitch?

Cause TUNA is FISH, and if she feeds Pudge the fish TUNA, it'd be an abomination !

How do you use disgusting in a sentence?

Tuna fish on a peanut butter sandwich would have a disgusting smell and taste. The beating death of an elderly handicapped man was appalling and disgusting.

Can peanutbutter or ketchup go on anything?

well of course ketchup can go on many things such as hot dogs, hamburgers, fish sticks, and french fries and peanut butter can go on many things as well pretty much anything you want here some f the main things jelly, sandwich, toast, and chocolate

What type of fish is best to eat with peanut butter?


What animal eats peanut butter?

fish and cows

What are the lyrics to Jellyfish by Julian smith?

Jellyfish Jelly fish Jellyfish Jelly fish Take some jelly, take some fish, look at that sandwich, dee-leash! Just make sure you don't eat a real jellyfish OR YOU'LL DIE Jellyfish Jelly fish Jellyfish Jelly fish Jellyfish Jelly fish Jeelllyfish Jellyfish This world is full of compound words, speck slower, bro, or you won't be hurt. If you talk quick, you might sound slick, but I also might think you just asked me to make you a real jellyfish sandwich, AND YOU'LL DIE Jellyfish Jelly fish Jellyfish Jelly fish Hear the difference? Jellyfish Jelly fish It's sudule but it could take your life Jeellyfish Big 'Ole Nasty Fish Jellyfish Jelly fish Jellyfish Jelly fish

Do frogs like peanut butter?

yes they are this is because of the huge belly's they have. these are filled with toxins and H2O making a poisonous gas that kills them by Dylan

How can you stick a stick into a jellyfish sandwich?

Well if you manage to somehow get a jelly fish into a sandwich then just simply stick the stick into the sandwich, although i'm pretty sure a human will not enjoy this sandwich