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Q: Is it against the rules in rugby to eat a banana?
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Can you feed your guinea pig a banana?

Your guinea pig can eat banana. They will also choose to eat banana skin.

Who is banana and why banana no like squid?

banana is yum yum and squid eat banana

Can skinks eat banana skins?

Skinks can indeed eat banana skins. Though this is a possibility it is not very likely that a skink will eat a banana skin.

What type of food do gorilla bears eat?

Gorillas primarily eat a plant-based diet consisting of fruits, leaves, stems, and shoots. They also consume roots, bark, and some insects. Gorillas are herbivores and spend most of their time foraging for food in their natural habitat.

How long do you have to eat a banana?

you need to take 5 days to eat 1 banana....

Can you convert double weel to single weel?

no you have to eat banana's. If you don't Eat banana's you will get sued

What is a banana eating contest?

A banana eating cotest is when you have to eat as many banana's as you can in 24hours

What functions are there in a banana?

your but!!!!! ignore that guy... but what fuctions?! u get the banana u peel the banana u eat the banana.

What are the things you eat when you eat a banana?

A banana contains a lot of potassium and some natural sugars too.

Can you eat ripe banana during pregnancy?

Yes. You can safely eat the ripe banana during pregnancy.

How many bites does it take to eat a banana?

It is possible to eat a banana in three bites or less, depending on the size of the banana and the size of the mouth of the person eating it.

How do you make an investigatory project out of banana?

test , eat , do anything with the banana