No, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was in theaters in 2009.
Yes it was, and still is, it is still called cloudy with a chance if meatballs. I would tell you the back of the movie, but it says no copyrighted text, so sorry.
i like tomato sauce
I'm not that those salad greens are still edible.
Of course they are they may not be as nice but they are still edible. But if there is a lot then chuck em` out.
it would still be called meatless meatballs, you see it is just mad out of soy stuff such as soy beans and other things that include soy and that is why they are called meatless meatballs because they include no meat whatsoever if it did include meat it would be soy meat. these meatballs are made for vegetarians but still go great with any meal such as spagitti and meatballs,pasta,crapes,and much much more i soo much hope that this answered your question if you have any other food questions please ask,my user name is annabelle_1198 thank you soo much!!!!
An uncooked bone will still have some remnants of the meat on it. So when the bone is left out overnight, the meat willÊ spoil and be unfit to be used.
There is not much of a chance that they will make another part of "Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs" because all they needed to show was in that movie but I still give a 80% no and 20% yes.
No, that sounds bad.
No...... not if ots still in the can