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All fish and sea food types, including hard shelled fish, are halal and are allowed for Muslims to eat unless any of them proved to poisonous.

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Q: Is hard shelled fish allowed to eat per Islam religion?
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What is a shelled fish with pearls?

Its called a Oyster

Do fish lay eggs hard shelled?

No, their eggs are soft. Caviar is fish eggs.

Is eggs allowed to eat in Islam?

yes eggs are allowed to eat in Islam,in as much the egg or the eggs are not matured to be incubate.

Preditors of a Shelled Mullusc?

the enemies of the seshell are fish and other things,

What foods do Muslims enjoy most?

Muslims can eat any thing from fish and chips to curry during Ramadan

What do you do for betta fish constipation?

Feed your betta fish cooked & de-shelled peas for 2 days instead of his/her regular food

Can you have 1 fish as a pet only in Islam Because I heard in Islam there is supposed to be a Pair in everything?

It is not only in Islam that it is supposed to have a pair in every living species. It is the philosophy of life irrelevant to any religion or faith otherwise how continuity of life is conserved for any of life species.

Who are tiny shelled creatures that live along the tide line feeding on seaweed?

star fish penguins

Why dead fish is allowed?

Allowed where?

How does a porcupine fish eat?

At night, the porcupine fish searches for hard-shelled sea urchins, snails and crabs. Sometimes they will also eat sea jellies.

What is the difference of fin fish and shell fish?

"Fin fish" are true fish. They are vertebrates, like us, and belong to the phylum chordata. Shellfish are not really fish. The term refers to a vareity of shelled aquatic invertebrates, primarily crustaceans and molluscs.

Why are you only allowed to take 5 fish?

because if you get other and then you allowed to catch all the fish.