

Is green peppers monocot

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Is green peppers monocot
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Japaleno are monocot / DICOTS

Which country do green peppers come from?

Green peppers are just green capsicums. The Americans just call them peppers.

Why are green peppers green?

Because if they were any other colour they wouldn't be green peppers

Is green gram a monocot or dicot?

It is a DICOT because it has two cotyledons.

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is green gram a dicot

Do red peppers and green bell peppers come from different plant spiece?

no, green peppers are simply unripe red ones

Is a Monocot green?

Monocots, or monocotyledons, are flower-producing plants. All plants, are green, so if that's what you mean. Their fruit are not necessarily green, though. A corn is a monocot and it's yellow.

Can one get bladder spasms from green peppers?

Yes, one can get bladder spasms from green peppers. Jalapeno peppers, chili peppers and habanero peppers are also known to cause bladder complaints in some people.

Are red peppers green before turning red?

Yes, red peppers start off green and change color as they ripen. As the pepper matures, it transitions from green to yellow, orange, and finally red.

How many calories are in one ounce of green peppers?

There are 30 calories in one cup of chopped green peppers and approximately 6 calories in 1 ounce or 28g of green peppers.

Is green bell peppers go for you?

Green bell peppers are extremely nutritious and very good for people.

Is egg plant a monocot or dicot?

Eggplant is a dicot plant. Dicots have two seed leaves, while monocots have one. Eggplant belongs to the Solanaceae family, which consists mainly of dicot plants like tomatoes and peppers.