Yes. Ingredients for cooking oil tend to come from plants (like olives for olive oil) and plants are considered Natural Resources because they come from the earth.
Oil has a reserve of chemical energy. If we burn it, that gets converted to heat energy.
The sun
In most food webs the Sun is the ultimate source of energy. Some food webs start with chemotrophs and in those cases the source of the energy are chemicals often from underwater volcanoes.
from food
Oil is a non replenishable source of energy. and, Oil is a "fossil fuel".
The Sun is the ultimate source of all energy on earth.
Yes fats are the most calorific energy source.
No Food under normal circumstances is a renewable source of energy. Food is the result of plants getting energy from the sun and converting this energy into storage. the plants can the be eaten and the energy used. The plant however puts out seed and grows again renewing itself as a source of energy.