

Is dinner important

Updated: 10/6/2023
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14y ago

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Although breakfast is the most important meal of the day because this is when you gain all of your energy to start off the day, dinner is important as well. I would suggest to eat a lot of breakfast, and less dinner as you wouldn't need as much of a boost during the evening.

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14y ago
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12y ago


No--it is completely normal to eat dinner; not eating it would be unhealthy!

The best staple diet is usually consisted of 5 small meals, 2 or 3 (depending on your body and calorie needs) being a tad bit bigger then the others. However, in today's world, where time is money, many have cut their diet into three primary meals. This isn't unhealthy at all either, as long as you get the nutrition your body needs.

Breakfast, being the one that gives you the energy to start off your day, is the most important, filling your body and mind with energy. Actually skipping it would make you gain weight (because your body is using up stored fat to cope with the lack of nutrition). Lunch is also important, maintaining that full stomach and continuing what breakfast did.

Dinner is needed to "finish" what your other meals had started, keeping your mind and body healthy. Without it, your body would lack nutrition that it needed to maintain a healthy diet.

Sorry I wrote a bit to much, but all meals, let alone dinner, are healthy, and not bad at all (unless you consume too much calories and/or consume empty calories).

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Nope just eat healthy food and its all good.

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12y ago

Dinner is the most important meal of the day because it helps you to feel good and be healthy.

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8y ago

It is the last meal of the day and usually 10 to 14 hours before breakfast. A well balanced meal will help you rest well through the night. Avoid spicy foods before bed.

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