

Is cumin the same as coriander?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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13y ago

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no they are both two very different spices... some could argue however that they both have similar flavors.

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Q: Is cumin the same as coriander?
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Do not have ground coriander what can you use?

cumin or omit it

What is a good replacement for ground cumin?

nothing. cumin is irreplaceable

What spice is made from the seeds of the plant whose leaves are called cilantro?

Cumin and cilantro are two different plants that are not the same species. Cumin is the ground up seeds of the plant Cuminum cyminum and cilantro the leaves from Coriandrum sativum.Also, cilantro (leaves) and coriander (ground up seeds) come from that same species, Coriandrum sativum. Perhaps you were thinking of coiander instead of cumin?

What can be used in place of cumin spice?

Fajita seasoning/Coriander

What seasoning can be substituted for cumin?

Maybe coriandor?

Cumin is it the equalivant to corriander?

If you are making a mexican dish cumin and coriander are often used for various dishes, and can some times be substituted for one another. Although they have almost the same aroma they taste quite different. Coriander leaf (cilantro) and coriander are the most similar in flavor and can be substituted for one another in most cases. Just use about 1/3 as much spice as you would leaf.

What is a spice starting with C?

Chipotle, Chives, Cilantro, Cinnamon, Cloves, Coriander, Cumin.....

Can you be allergic to cumin?

Yes, Cumin seeds come under PARSLEY family. Other PARSLEY family members are carrot, celery, dill, anise, coriander, caraway.

What can you use in place of ground coriander?

If the recipe calls for coriander seeds, cumin and caraway seeds are good substitutes. If the leaves of coriander is what is required for the recipe, this is also known as cilantro. In this case, fresh parsley can be used as a substitute.

Is curcumin same as turmeric?

Cumin is NOT the same as Curcumin. Cumin is a spice that comes from seeds atop aplant somewhat related to parsley.Curcumin is a component of the spice Tumeric or Turmeric, which is ground from the root.Curcumin has enormous health benefits as an anti-inflammatory and even helps with Alzheimers. Check these out: http:/

What is dhanajiru called in English?

A ready available blend of cumin, coriander, black pepper, and turmeric. One can prepare it at home by mixing equal parts of cumin and coriander, and adding a dash of black pepper and turmeric. Grinding the spices together will help to even out the texture and ensure even distribution of all the flavors.

Spices that begin with the letter c?

Chili powder Cumin Celery salt Cinnamon Coriander Cardamom Cayenne Pepper