

Is chocolate a resource

Updated: 10/6/2023
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8y ago

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No. A 'renewable resource' is a resource replaced by natural processes at a rate comparable or faster than its rate of consumption. Since chocolate is not replaced by a natural process it cannot be a renewable resource. Answer Yes. Chocolate comes from cocoa plants and plants are generally considered to be a renewable resource. We could plant enough cocoa trees to replace what is harvested. Thereby ensuring we have a constantly renewable source of chocolate.

Rebuttal to second answer:

Except that chocolate is a MANUFACTURED product, therefore CANNOT be a renewable resource. Ok. The above answerer is using a very narrow definiton of "renewable". It can also apply to commodities. For example: ethanol from sugar cane is a manufactured product. Ethanol fuel that can be used to run cars is considered to be a renewable energy source if it is grown sustainably. So we can consider that plant products such as chocolate are renewable if managed correctly.

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Herbert Boyer

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2y ago
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14y ago

I get the information from the wikipedia, so if you need more information, go to http:/

Making chocolate we need 3 resources:

1) Human resources- Humans who have the skills to do the thing

2) Capital resources- Machines or tools used.

3) Natural Resources- Resource that are from the natural.

1.Cocoa Beans are grown and harvested by the farmers. (HR)

2.Cocoa beans are grown to make chocolate. (NR)

3.Cacao pods are harvested by using a machete or a stick. (CR)

4.The sun is needed to dry the beans for at least 5-7days. (NR)

5.Cars are needed to transport the beans to the factory. (CR)

6. The shells are removed by machines and turn it into liquor.(CR)

7. The Liquor is blended with the cocoa butter. (CR)

8.Conche is needed to refine and blends the liquor into chocolate .(CR)

9. Workers who work in the factory molds and pack the chocolate and it is ready for sold. (HR)

More information:

1.Conche is a container filled with metal beads, which act as grinders.

2.Machete is a big knife used to cut down the beans from the tree.

CP: Capital resource

HP: Human resource

NR: Natural resource

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12y ago

The natural resources used in making chocolate cake include the heat generated to bake the cake which make use coal, natural gas to generate electricity. The ingredients in the cake are all renewable crops so they are not usually considered natural resources.

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