yes there is choclate in choclate milk so you take white milk and white milk then you just but choclate syrup in one and the one without choclate syrup is better for you.
Choclate and Choclate ckake
it"s a piece of choclate that has choclate and mint inside of it
choclate because ice cream is nothing but cream and choclate is hard -----> team choclate
open your mouth & chew on a delicious Hershey's choclate bar Today
they make choclate and everyone loves choclate. and umpalompa's worship them.
yes and no
no choclate is not a reason for cough but after eating choclate dont dink any colddrink or water
Milton Hershey was first an apprentice then he became a Hershey Choclate maker at the biggest choclate factory!
they live in a country called choclate world even though they die after eating it so i feel so sorry for them but i think choclate is so awsome it taste like choclate