

Is chicken egg a cell

Updated: 10/6/2023
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14y ago

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No. Chicken eggs are multi-cellular organisms.

wrong .This is a common myth. An unfertilized bird egg contains a tiny egg cell, surrounded by supportive materials such as albumin, yolk and shell. Those supportive materials are not part of the ovum. It is erroneous to think of an entire egg (or chicken egg, or snake egg, etc) as a cell. The cell part itself is tiny (ovum) . If fertilization happens (it happens inside bird's body) sperm fuses with ovum and a zygote (a tiny single cell) forms and enclosed within bird's egg . cell division occurs only after egg has been laid.

Read more: Is_a_chicken_egg_one_single_cell

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14y ago

yes it is a cell

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no it is a fericam

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the cell was first, the egg is a cell, there for that's how the egg was form first.what did the first egg laying animal involved from?.

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dude, i think the answer is pretty obvious. the chicken came first. i am a christian, and i think The Lord God would create a chicken, not an egg to become the first chicken. imagine an egg without a mother to raise it. so go rub it in your buddies' faces that you know the answer to the ancient chicken and egg riddle.

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