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No. Without preservatives, broth should last about a week in the fridge. The first sign that broth is going bad is it gets cloudier. Of course, without knowing how cloudy the broth is to begin with, "cloudier" is hard to judge.

If you're not certain that you will use broth within a week, freeze it. Pre-measure it out in 1, 1/4 or 1/4 cup increments so you don't have to thaw all of it out before use.

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Q: Is chicken broth safe to eat if it does not smell bad?
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Can bad chicken broth cause botulism?

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As long as it isn't moldy and doesn't smell bad it is safe to eat.

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The smell

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It is easy to tell. First, you barf like hell. Second, you fill your pants. Third, you die - or at least you wish you could. Easy rules of thumb with chicken broth - - boil it -> eat it -> refrigerate or toss the left overs.

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you should know whether your chicken is spoiled before cooking. Smell it and if you smell even the slightest bad odor, throw it out.

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It is probably not safe to eat chicken strips that have sat out overnight. Chicken can go bad after cooking quite rapidly if in a warm environment.

What happens if you use bad chicken broth?

You may get a stomach ache and or diarrhea. Pretty much you may just feel sick all day.

What does chicken smell like when its bad?

It varies I guess since I have encountered different smells that meant it was bad. It could smell a little like bleach, raw, boiled, or rotten eggs. I have also found that it has a decaying smell, kind of like that distinct dog feces smell that makes people gag instantly. To be safe if it smells iffy at all don't use it. It's better to go hungry or get take out than get food poisoning.

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I don't know why someone would want a chicken in their mattress. It would make your mattress lumpy and smell bad.

Is it safe to eat chicken that has been in the refrigerator for seven days?

I do not really know, but my guess is no. Generally not 7 days is pushing it a bit, even if it doesn't smell bad it is likely to be infected with some nasty bacteria.

Why do your farts smell like frozen chicken nuggets?

Funny Fact: People's fart is all different in the real world.... A slight fart can give a bad smell.....while a big fart doesn't have much smell...... thats why my cousin's fart smell like garbage because he eat frozen chicken nuggets... P.S. why did you even try smelling frozen chicken nuggets?