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Yes, cheese is made from milk, which is a dairy product.

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15y ago

Yes cheese is a dairy product!

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Q: Is cheese a dairy product
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Is Philadelphia cheese a diary product?

Yes it is. any cheese is a dairy product unless is is non-dairy cheese.

Is cheese a fruit or vegetable?

Generally, yes. Some vegetarians choose not to ea dairy (including cheese) though.

Is cheese a vegatable?

No, cheese is not a vegetable. Cheese is a dairy product.

A dairy product that starts with the letter h?

Halloumi is a type of cheese. It is a dairy product.

What are the 3 product of Wisconsin?

cheese dairy more cheese

What anamal is feta cheese?

It is not an animal. Cheese is a dairy product

What is a dairy product that starts with K?

There are a number of dairy products that start with the letter K. These include Kraft cheese, kefir, kaymak, kashk, khoa, kulfi, and kumis.

Is cheddar cheese a vegetable or a fruit?

Cheese is neither it is a dairy product

Does cheese grow from pigs?

No. Cheese is a cultured dairy product made from milk.

Does goats cheese contain starch?

Goats cheese is a dairy product, not a starch.

What is a semi-hard white dairy product?


Which dairy product does Wisconsin lead in production?
