If you knew what was in the meat you buy in stores you wouldn't eat it! Real meat such as steak shouldn't be bright red, but a dark/brown red color. Caribou, deer, moose have better nutritional value (if killed, bled and taken care of properly) than the meats you buy in the store. Here is a tip: When cooking a roast from either Caribou, deer, moose, elk, use onion and apple chunks (helps to take any wild taste out of it without taking away a great flavor.) Fresh game is more like the meats people use to buy from the 1950s back.
It is more nutritious, because it contains other ingredients, not just sugars.
It's less expensive and lower in fat than many meats.
Less nutritious is a mostly relative term, not a definite one. If I had to attempt a definition I would say this: " Less nutritious - providing less essential or healthy nutrients. Provding an imbalaced supply of certain nutients" The reason I would add that last sentence is that alot of things the body uses are only "unhealthy" in amounts that are more or less than the body actually needs.
Steak is a large lump of meat. It has a small surface area in comparison to other meats like mince. It has less of an area to harbour bacteria, and as you cook the outside all bacteria is destroyed.
Because Alcohol has a very high amount of calories.
Most applesauce contains added sugar, which probably makes it less nutritious. You can find "no sugar added" and organic varieties, though.
There are only 1670 caribou left In 2009 there were at least 31020 woodland caribou in the boreal forest. In 2002 there were a further 43950 woodland caribou in the northern mountains of BC, 7208 woodland caribou in the southern mountains of BC and Alberta, about 130 woodland caribou in the Gaspesie Park of Quebec, and a hand full of animals in the northern mountains of Idaho. All this data is available from Environment Canada.
Caribou migrate so that they will have land to raise there young , which is cool in the winter , and also has less insects.
It is better to thaw raw meats in cold water or in the refrigerator. This way there is less chance of bacteria getting in the food. You can also use the microwave to thaw meats.
I think that the total number left on earth is less then a thousand . Am I right?