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no. it is a vegetable
No, beetroot is a vegetable.

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7y ago

It is a root so it is a vegetable. Some vegetables like tomatoes are both because the tomato is the fruit of the tomato plant.

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a beet is not a frit.

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Q: Is beetroot a fruit
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Related questions

Where do beetroot seeds come from?

Beetroot seeds come from the flowers that are produced by beetroot plants. When the flowers are pollinated, they develop into seeds that can be harvested for planting in the future.

Is a beetroot an onion?

Beetroot is a Fruit which really to increase metbolism and produce blood in the body and at the same time help to reduce the weight. if you make a juice with carrot. Learn How to make fresh beetroot juice.

What can you make out of a beetroot?

You can make all kinds of tasty, colorful and good for your health beetroot dishes: beetroot soups, beetroot salads, beetroot stew, etc.

Can you feed your tortoise beetroot?

Fresh beetroot - yes (sparingly). Pickled beetroot NO !

Do you like beetroot?

NO!!! I hate beetroot!!!!!! I love beetroot... except that it stains everything.

What is the French term for beetroot?

Beetroot is betterave

Is beetroot a root or stem?

Beetroot is a root.

Beetroot in ilocano?

Beetroot in Ilocano is "tukmeg."

Has beetroot got carbohydrates?

Yes, there is carbohydrate in beetroot. .

What do you do with beetroot after its grown?

There is a website dedicated to Beetroot and this will give you loads of suggestions for what to do with Beetroot. See the related link below.

What is the chemical composition of beetroot?

Beetroot contain many compounds; it is not a single substance. For details (for red beetroot) see this link.

Do sainsburys stock beetroot juice?

Do Sainsbury's stock beetroot juice