uric acid
It is a test for uric acid. High Uric acid in he blood can lead to the formation of uric acid crystals which are responsible for the pain.
"The ''uric acid test" is ordered if the doctor suspects high levels of uric acid''
Yes, eggplant has high level of uric acid in them.
Cherries help in reducing the uric acid.
Marang is a good for uric acid?
Mushrooms are high in purines which convert int uric acid in the body.
please let me know if corn ( vegatables) is high uric acid
no, it is goodfor containing uric acid
Quaker oat has no relation to Uric acid
The yeast in bread is fairly high in purines whic are metabolised into uric acid in the blood.
Prawn are high in purines which leads to the production of uric acid.