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That's kind of a stupid question, but yeah.

Generally regarded as a fruit a banana is actually classed as a herb.

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Q: Is banana one kind of fruit?
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What is the meaning of banana?

Banana is a kind of fruit that people always eat it whenever they want.

What is raw banana a fruit or vegetable?

Banana is a fruit

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Is a banana a fruit or a nut?

A banana is a fruit.

What kind of flower banana have?

Very large. It is known as an 'Inflorescence' or banana heart, it contains female flowers which can develop into fruit

Is a banana a herbspice or a fruit?

Banana's are classed as fruit.

Does banana have flowers or fruit?

A banana is an edible fruitA banana is a fruit, the seedpod of the Banana tree. The fruit occurs because the flower was pollinated.

What is a banana since it is not a fruit?

A banana is a fruit. Tetechnically it is a herb.

What is banana in Serbian?

Banana is banana, fruit.

Is a banana fruit vegetables or herb?

A banana is a fruit but it grows on a herbaceous plant.

Is a banana a fruit or a vegetable?

A banana is a fruit since its seeds are inside of it. Bananas contain the fruit sugar fructose, and are fruit.