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Actually, clove oil works better. It doesn't damage the skin. It stings less. It works within a few days. Just be careful about the concentration of the liquid. It should be diluted and use as little as possible. (It can be dangerous for those with liver or kidney problems, or those with certain Allergies. Please research or consult a physician before using.) Two applications once a day for three or four days and they're gone.

The most common treatments for molluscum contagiosum are astringent chemicals, surgery, and dye lasers.

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No. It will not treat the scabies.

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Wesley Wiggins

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Q: Is apple vinegar cider good for treating scabies?
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Yes, apple cider vinegar is an acid. Shall I hence the word "vinegar." Apple cider vinegar has vinegar in it which means its automatically an acid.

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Yes, apple cider vinegar and cider vinegar are the same thing and is made from fermented apples.

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Yes, cider vinegar and apple cider vinegar are the same thing.

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Technically, yes. As apple cider ages, it turns into apple cider vinegar. But you shouldn't substitute them for each other!

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Apple cider vinegar is primarily made from apple cider, the alcohol in the cider having been oxidized to produce the vinegar. Apple cider is in turn made from the fermented juice of pressed apples.

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Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV has been around for a long time yet many doctors do not prescribe it for ailments that it is perfectly capable of treating.

What is the difference between apple vinegar and apple cider vinegar?

Generally, white vinegar is often synthetic acetic acid, and cider vinegar is fermented from apple cider. The difference in cooking is one of flavor, as the two have similar chemical properties.

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What is the Ph apple cider vinegar?

Commercial Cider Vinegar will vary but you could use something like 2.5 as a benchmark

Where can I learn the details of the apple cider vinear diet?

The apple cider vinegar diet has been around for many years. There are a few websites that you can find some information and results on: and

Can you use cider instead of vinegar in chutney?

Hard cider is apple cider that has fermented with most of the natural sugars turned into alcohol. If the hard cider is infected or innoculated with acetobacter, then the alcohol will be converted to acetic acid, making apple cider vinegar. apple cider vinegar Actually it does not i think