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It says its acidity is 5, so it is not alkaline at all.

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Q: Is apple cider vinegar an alkaline food?
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Where can you buy apple cider vinegar?

You can buy apple cider vinegar at any grocery store. You can find more natural versions at natural food stores.

In cooking what is a substitution for apple cider vinegar?

No, the difference is that apple cider (hard) is alcoholic whereas cider vinegar is acidic. No, EWWW

What is apple cider vinegar?

Apple Vinegar Cider.(Apple Vinegar Cider.) there,Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made by the fermentation of applecider. During this process, sugar in the apple cider is broken down by bacteriaand yeast into alcohol and then into vinegar. Apple cider vinegar containsacetic acid (like other types of vinegar) and some lactic, citric and malicacids.Unlike white vinegar, apple cider vinegar is a light yellow-brown color and isoften sold unfiltered and unpasteurized with a dark, cloudy sediment calledmother of vinegar (consisting mainly of acetic acid bacteria) settled at thebottom of the bottle.Unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar is sold in health food stores,online and in some grocery stores.Although other types of vinegar -- such as white vinegar, balsamic vinegar, redwine vinegar and rice wine vinegar -- are used mainly in cooking, apple cidervinegar is used primarily for health purposes. Hippocrates was said to have usedit as a health tonic and American soldiers are said to have used it to combatindigestion, pneumonia and scurvy.But it wasn't until the book Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor's Guide to GoodHealth, written by D.C. Jarvis, M.D., was published in 1958 that the medicinaluse of apple cider vinegar took off. Jarvis recommended apple cider vinegar as acure-all, explaining that it was unusually rich in potassium (compared to otherfood sources, it is not). He said that mixing the apple cider vinegar withhoney, a mixture he called "honegar," enhanced the healing power of the vinegar.Jarvis also wrote that apple cider vinegar could destroy harmful bacteria in thedigestive tract and recommended as a digestive tonic to be consumed with meals.source : Vinegar Cider.(Apple Vinegar Cider.)Note from Supervisor Keats: Please do not revert back to this answer. This is a copy and paste on other websites.

What is apple cider vinegar for?

It is used for many things, usually for food. It can be used for apples or salads.

What is apple cider vinegar use for?

It is used for many things, usually for food. It can be used for apples or salads.

What is vinegar made out of?

Usually grapes (think sour wine), but sometimes apples (apple cider vinegar) and also from barley (malt vinegar).

How can you check you have food grade acid if using it for pickling?

The acid typically used in pickling is common household white or apple cider vinegar. Both of these products are food grade.

What is the difference between cider and distilled vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apples and an ingredient called 'mother' to help the process of turning it into vinegar. White distilled vinegar is distilled alcohol.

What is the food that fights against dandruff in head?

Eat foods with zinc like beans, nuts, eggs, brewers yeast, pumpkin seeds. Tea Tree Oil Shampoo is good as is Apple Cider Vinegar as a hair treatment. You can also add a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to a glass of water and drink twice a day for general health.

Can teenagers take apple cider vinegar?

Although i would recommend milk in his bottle and not vinigar, it should be perfectly safe on salad in a vinigarette or a topping for any food.

What causes apple cider vinegar craving?

Apple Cider Vinegar, especially unfiltered and unpasturized apple cider vinegar is a superior prebiotic food. Prebiotics are the food that our intestinal microflora (probiotics) need to thrive. Other foods such as cultered vegetables (fermented/pickled vegetables) and young coconut kefir are also excellent prebiotics for our probiotics. For more information on this topic, I found the following website very helpful with researching the cravings I had for apple cider vinegar: I just came off of the Master Cleanse diet after 21 days and this is when my cravings started happening. With such intense cleansing, the digestive tract is severely depleted of the microflora the body needs to break down the food and aid with the absorption of nutrients. These beneficial microflora (probiotics) are essential not only for digestion but also for immunity to parasites and disease. Hope this helps! Rachel

Can apple cider vinegar be substituted for balsmic vinegar?

You cannot usually substitute balsamic vinegar for cider vinegar. The flavor profiles are quite different. However the chemical properties are similar, so the actual answer depends on the particular situation.