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A fetish is not bad as long as all parties involved are consenting and willing, and it does no harm to anyone. Stuffing is a sexual fetish where a person becomes sexually aroused by watching a subject consume large quantities of food over a short period of time, making the stomach distend and bloat to huge proportions. Its purpose is to achieve an extreme state of fullness, (unlike in feederism, in which the express intention is to feed a subject over a period of time to gain weight and lots of it) For more information click on the link below

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Q: Is a stuffing fetish bad
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Is longtoenail fetish bad?

Bad? Any fetish is bad if it interferes with your personal life or leads you to do stupid or irresponsible things. Otherwise it's just a quirk that may enhance your sex life.

Is it bad to have a man fetish?

No. It simply means you are attracted to men.

You love bras but don't wear them?

Sounds like either a fetish or you're a straight guy who likes looking at girls boobs in a bra; a fetish is neither good nor bad, only whether you control your fetish or it controls you.

How much does stuffing cost?

bout $4.00 at Hobby Lobby not bad.

Is it safe for teddy bear hamsters to eat stuffing?

No, because it is bad for their bodies and it might get stuck in their intestines.

Can you have a fetish for a word like being turned on by a word?

A lot of men are turned-on by bad language spoken in an upper-class or at least an educated woman's voice. That might be called a fetish, but it's very common.

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you've just shagged someone who had an owl on her back!

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in bit stuffing we use data in bits !! in byte stuffing we use char !! thus in byte stuffing first char and converted in binary form and then bit stuffing is applied on it

What is a fetish for feet called?

A foot fetish.

What is an earlobe fetish called?

An earlobe fetish.

Is bra stuffing bad?

Chris Kellie Paige Megan and falon all think so. So yes

Is there such a thing as a bowl fetish?

there could be someone who has a bowl fetish. people can fetish's over what ever they want