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I think it might. Don't be killing hamsters now!

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Well what are you doing to the hamster ??

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Q: Is a sharpie toxic to a hamster?
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Can sharpie marker kill if drawn on?

Unless I'm much mistaken, Sharpie labels clearly read "Non-Toxic".

Are you able to color a hamster with sharpie?

not unless ur stupid and want to kill it!

Is sharpie marker toxic?

no, they wouldn't make a marker that anyone can use toxic. But if you sucked on it I would tell a doctor, just sayin,

Why are toy hamster dangerous?

a toxic chemical compound that is said to be present in the toy hamster

How high would you get if you smell a sharpie?

Not high at all. But, by constantly smelling it can kill your brain cells because of the toxic chemicals contained within the sharpie. I recommend not smelling a sharpie, and to avoid inhaling its fumes all together.

Can hamster poop kill you?

No hamster poop can not kill u because it is not toxic or poisous, rare types of hamsters poop are toxic and if only they r sick

Are sharpie markers poison?

Sharpie markers are not meant to be ingested, as they contain chemicals that can be harmful if consumed. If accidentally ingested, it is recommended to seek medical attention immediately.

Is a chewed sharpie toxic?

Chewing on a sharpie pen, especially if it has been chewed and ingested, can be harmful. Sharpies contain chemicals that can be toxic if ingested, and can lead to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and irritation of the mouth and throat. It's important to seek medical help if someone has ingested part of a sharpie pen.

If you draw on yourself with a pen will there be any poison or toxic stuff on your skin that can potentially harm you?

With a Sharpie... yes. With a regular pen... unlikely.

What happens would happen if you lick a sharpie?

Toxic's get into your body. I wouldn't recommend doing it, you may end up in the hospital. - Teresaa.

Can you draw on a Easter egg and then consume safely?

yes- but the drawing should not be with a marker or paint that is toxic. Pencil- yes. Crayon- yes. Sharpie? No.