Which animals would you expect to find the largest number in the ecosystem and which animals would be the smallest number if the food chain was seaweed then fish then seal and finally polar bear?
Seaweed would be in the greatest amount, as it directly produces
its food. Therefore, there is enough energy for a large amount of
seaweed. Polar Bears would be in the minority because as something
is eaten about 10% of the energy is transferred, so the food chain
woulb be unable to support more polar bears than any other
no a harp seal can not get eatin by a whale but it can get eatin
by a orca whale
What is a hawiian Monk seal?
the hawiian monk seal is an animal that has four flippers and
has odd skin it eats shrimp octopus and squid. if you want more
awnsers go to www.google.com or a better sight is www.bing.com
What fish starts with a s?
salmon,shark,shrimp,swordfish,sawfish,seal, try this link