Potatoes are not a fruit or vegetable, they have their own category, which is neither fruit or vegetable.
A potato is a vegetable.Yes, it is spelled V-E-G-E-T-A-B-L-E. Also, if you didn't know, a tomato is a fruit.
What a potato ain't a fruit, it's a vegetable!
It's considered a fruit, vegetable, or potato. I think it's more of a potato.
The fruits which are not be able to eat raw, like potato, is considered as a vegetable.
potato well as a vegetable
Yam is a vegetable. It is a other name for sweet potato.
Camote is the Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas).
The potato is definatly not a fruit because it is not derived form the ovule of a plant. It is infact a root. The definition of a vegetable is any edibal part of a plant therefore it actually comes under the subcatigory of a root or tuberous vegetable.
A potato isn't a fruit. The part of the potato we eat is its edible tuber, which is classed as a vegetable.A vegetable is the edible part of a plant that is not a fruit or seed, and although this is not a strict definition, it is safe to say a potato is a vegetable.The potato produces stem tubers, a development of the normal stem. It's perhaps the only stem tuber that we eat. Root tubers are more common and include sweet potato and cassava. These tubers are distinct from bulbs and corms.The potato plant produces a fruit, but this is not what we eat; itsfruit is poisonous, as are many parts of plants which, like potatoes, are members of the Solanaceae - nightshade - family: for example, only the fruit of the tomato, bell pepper or chili plant is edible. In the case of potatoes we eat the tuber rather than the fruit.no it is a veggitable but sweet potatoes are a fruit!!
A sweet potato
A potato is a vegetable. Potatoes are part of the root system of the plant. Potato plants actually do bear fruits. They look like small green tomatoes. However, they are poisonous.
Neither, potatoes belong to a group of plants known as the Solanaceae family. The family includes Datura (Jimson weed), mandrake, deadly nightshade (belladonna), capsicum (paprika, chili pepper), potato, tobacco, tomato, eggplant and petunia. Potatoes are a vegetable.