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When a goldfish becomes bloated in appearance and all the scales start sticking up then the fish has dropsy, a terminal condition. Dropsy is the result of a build-up of fluids caused by organ failure. The reason for the symptoms of dropsy is either an internal bacterial infection or poor water quality. By the time the fish starts to have raised scales there's nothing else you can do for it - so don't waste your time or money on the types of medications you add to the water that say they "cure" dropsy-they'll only burn the fishes gills and make its last few days on earth even more miserable.

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Q: Is a goldfish ill or pregnant if all of its belly is big and scales are sticking up?
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Underweight: the head will be wider than the fishes body Overweight: the fishes body will have a disproportionally large pot belly (please note that certain kind of fancy goldfish such as ranchu, pearl scales and lionhead naturally have a pot belly)

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You can be pregnant if you have lump in your belly.

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There is no such thing as a pregnant belly. Bellies cannot get pregnant and pregnancy involves the womb and not the belly.

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When your pregnant your belly gets bigger,and your belly button just sticks out there.

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The bottom of pregnant belly is the pubic symphysis.

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Possibly feces?

Do pregnant fish have bellybuttons?

No goldfish have bellybuttons. A belly button is just a scar from where we were attached to our mother. Since fish are hatched from eggs, it doesn't apply to them.

Is it possible to show if you're between four and six weeks pregnant?

At six weeks pregnant the baby is around 10mm big. If you are showing it is probably a distention of your bowel, more than the baby pushing your belly out. I would say that you are not "showing" in the true sense, but it is possible that your belly is sticking out a bit. You are more likely to begin showing at around 10 weeks pregnant.

What are the two boils on my goldfish's scales?

That usually means your goldfish will be floating belly up in a few days. Once you see lesions, the ich (see link) has all but taken over the fish's body. You might want to treat the water with bromothymol blue (pet store will have it) if you have other fish in the same tank.

How do you use the word belly in a sentence?

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