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They are crabs. They are known as ghost crabs because some have transparent bodies, while others, like the Atlantic ghost crab are yellowish. They can scuttle around at about 10 mph, thus making them run away so fast it seems as if they disappear like a ghost.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Ghost crabs are also known as sand crabs, and form the genus Ocypode. There are more specialized species with different scientific names; two examples are Ocypode quadrata, which is seen at southeastern US beaches between sunset and dawn, and Ocypode cordimana, found from the North coast of Australia from the Kimberley region of Western Australia to New South Wales. My resource is "Ghost crab - Wikipedia." URL:

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11y ago

The ghost crab gets its name because of its lack of color and because it's so fast

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15y ago

Ocypode ceratophthalmus

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Q: Is a ghost crab a crab?
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What is the scientific name for ghost crab?

Ocypode quadrate

What does a Atlantic ghost crab live?

The ghost crab lives down the Atlantic coasts of the United States, starting around Rhode Island, and on down to the coasts of Brazil.

Do a crab a dragon fish a ghost shrimp and a snail get along together in a fish tank?

No, they will not. The dragon-fish can eat the ghost shrimp and the snail, and the crab will try to eat anything he can catch.

Scientific name for the ghost crab?

The scientific name for the ghost crab is "Ocypode ceratophthalmus," belonging to the genus Ocypode within the family Ocypodidae.

Does an alligator eat a ghost crab?

Alligators eat anything they can catch. A ghost crab would not be much of a snack, though, and they are very quick so most alligators don't bother chasing them.

What sea creatures are shy?

A very shy animal is a ghost crab.

List of kinds of crab names?

there are blue crabs, hermit, fiddler,ghost

How do you see a ghost crab?

you feel some thing walk over your grave.