A cupcake usually hase icing on it because it's a minuture cake CUP-CAKE. if it doesn't, it would be a muffin.
It really depends on the serving size. A cupcake will definitely have more calories gram for gram versus a muffin due to the large amounts of sugar and butter in it (along with icing), but if you're eating something like a chocolate chip muffin which is typically much larger than a cupcake, you could be looking at 500 calories or more for a muffin versus 400 for a cupcake.
a muffin a small cake
An American Style muffin is in a form of a cupcake but its a muffin. When you make them you have to mold them. Bridget Murphy loves Muffins
sonho - muffin was the closest I could get
Nowadays it seems that everything has to be associated with genders. Theoretically, the cupcake is a unisex cake but stereotypically it is a female cake because of the delicateness and gentle state connected with it.
you could but it would probably work best with a muffin pan.
the things you get are: espresso cupcake , strawberry-vanilla cupcake ,carrot cupcake , chocolate cup cake and granola cupcake
No. Unless you want like a blueberry cupcake. The possibly. And muffins aren't sweet enough to be cupcakes. Not enough sugar.
flanalicious or boobsicle. those have worked for me, in my 36 years of relationships.
Most muffin's should look like a cupcake. There are also English muffins and cornbread muffins.