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Q: Is The sole responsibility of the placenta is to supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients?
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How does an embryo get oxygen and nutrients from its mom?

A mammalian embryo gets oxygen and nutrients from it mother by means of the umbilical cord which extends the embryonic blood supply into the placenta embedded in the mothers womb. The blood supply in the placenta is close to that of the mother and oxygen and nutrients diffuse across from the mother to the baby. With egg laying animals the nutrients are supply to the embryo as the yolk part of the egg and oxygen is supplied by diffusion through the permeable shell and shell membrane

How does a growing foetus get a supply of oxygen and nutrients?

A growing fetus receives oxygen and nutrients through the mother's blood supply. The placenta acts as a bridge between the mother and the fetus, allowing for the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products. The umbilical cord connects the fetus to the placenta, providing a pathway for these essential substances to reach the developing baby.

What provides food and oxygen for a developing embryo?

The placenta supplies nutrients and oxygen to the developing embryo through the mother's blood supply. This organ develops during pregnancy and ensures that the growing fetus receives the essential components it needs for proper growth and development.

Function of umbilical cord?

The umbilical cord is responsible for supplying oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the fetus during pregnancy, and for removing waste products from the fetus back to the mother's circulation for processing. It acts as the lifeline connecting the fetus to the placenta.

What is a function of the placenta in mammals?

it permits the passage of nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the fetus.

What substance can cross the placenta?

Substances that can cross the placenta include oxygen, nutrients (such as glucose and amino acids), hormones, and some medications. However, harmful substances like alcohol, certain drugs, and toxins can also pass through the placenta, potentially affecting the developing fetus.

Do the mother's blood supply and the embryo's blood supply flow together?

No, the mother's blood supply and the embryo's blood supply do not flow together. The mother's blood and the embryo's blood supply are kept separate by the placental barrier. Oxygen and nutrients are exchanged between the maternal and fetal blood through this barrier.

How does a developing baby get food and oxygen during the pregnancy?

Baby gets food and oxygen through the umbilical cord. This umbilical cord is attached to the placenta. This placenta is attached to the uterus. In the placenta blood of the mother comes close to the blood of the fetus. There is transfer of food and oxygen to the blood of fetus from the blood of mother. Carbon bi oxide and waste products of metabolism are transferred to the blood of mother from the blood of fetus.

What can supply nourishment to an embryo?

The embryo receives nourishment from the mother through the placenta, which allows for the exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products between the mother and the developing fetus. This nourishment is essential for the growth and development of the embryo throughout pregnancy.

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What is the placentas role?

The placenta provides your developing baby with a supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrients vital to a healthy baby! The placenta is fully developed by your 18th week of pregnancy. The placenta also carries waste including carbon dioxide away from your baby. The quality of function of your placenta is dependent upon how healthy you are, this is why it is important to keep your blood and oxygen as clean as possible especially during pregnancy (which is why you should not drink or smoke during pregnancy). The placenta keeps harmful materials away from your baby including infections but the body does not always recognize these harmful substances which is another reason you should not drink,smoke or take drugs during pregnancy.