

Best Answer

If the label says Swiss cheese, that actually means it is _not_ made in Switzerland. Think about it this way, if Swiss on the label meant it came from Switzerland, that would mean they either only produce one type of cheese there or else they would call a bunch of different cheese the same thing. Calling it "Swiss" means it is made in the style the Swiss use. The resulting cheese is basically a clone of Emmental, an actual cheese made in Switzerland. The generic labeling term is used (as far as I know) only in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.

Answer 2

It depends which country you are in. In most European countries, if it says "Swiss Cheese" it must come from Switzerland, otherwise the shop is fraudulently advertising.

There are lots of different types of Swiss Cheese, Emmental, Appenzell, Gruyère etc.

But US consumer law allows things to be called "Swiss" which are not actually from Switzerland.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

By definition, Swiss cheese can only come from Switzerland.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Well I'm not saying this is ture but they call it Swiss cheese because it has a lot of holes! I think it is European. That is all I know sorry but hey you learned somthing!! :-)

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βˆ™ 12y ago

By definition, Swiss cheese comes from Switzerland.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Mostly from cow's milk.

But there is also Swiss cheese made from goat's milk and sheep's milk.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Swiss cheese is a cheese that was originally made in Switzerland.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Swiss cheese is by definition cheese from Switzerland.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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There are about 450 types of cheese made in Switzerland. The most well known are Emmentaler, Gruyère/Greyerzer and Formaggini

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Swiss cheese ingredientsThe first step in producing fine Swiss cheese involves sourcing the milk, which in Switzerland comes from cows that have been free to graze on the fresh grass and clovers on the mountains and hillsides of Switzerland. All Swiss cheese relies on raw milk as its base ingredient. Traditional Swiss cheese is made by hand and often left to ripen for several months before being sent to market for sale. Some varieties of Swiss cheese are flavoured through being wiped with various herbs during the ripening process.Hope it helps!!!!! :)

What is emmenthal?

A very nice type of cheese. It has holes in it, like Gruyere, and comes from Switzerland. It is described as a hard cheese, but this is to distinguish it from a 'soft' cheese. It is not hard a all! And quite delicious!It is named after Emmental, a valley in Switzerland.

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The largest city in Switzerland by population is Zürich, then comes Geneva (French: Genève), Basel, Bern (the capital) and Lausanne.

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Sorry to disappoint you but you can't. They stopped importing it to Australia about three years ago. Amazon sell it but won't deliver to Australia. It's still available in Europe and my friend in switzerland sent me some once. When I go to Europe next year I'm going to post ten boxes home!

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This has two different trains of thought. Chicago Style - do not capitalize the name of a drink unless it is directly associated with the name of the drink. To use another food example - Swiss cheese should only be capitalized if it actually comes from Switzerland, other than that it is swiss cheese. So - manhattan, white russian and bloody mary should not be capitalized as a rule.

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Wikipedia says the term "cottage cheese" is believed to have originated because the simple cheese was usually made in cottages from any milk left over after making butter.Read more at:cottage-cheese

Well known traditional Swiss foods?

Emmentaler cheese. The cheese comes from the Emme Valley, Canton Bern. There is a dilemma - producers decided to produce Emmentaler with larger holes to reduce cost of sales (financial crisis).

Which country does the word chalet come from?

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